Overcoming Addiction: How to Persevere and Recover When You’ve Hit Rock Bottom

Addiction Recovery

It might not seem like it, but knowing that you’ve hit rock bottom is a good sign.

Addiction is insidious. It takes its time and sneaks up on you, and by the time you realize that it’s there, it’s too late. 

When you realize that you’ve hit rock bottom, the only place that you can go is up. You’re ready to begin your recovery and the process of overcoming addiction.

The path is different for everyone but here are some tips for overcoming addiction that you can follow to start your journey. 

Seek Professional Help

This is often the hardest step. 

Seeking help from professionals can feel embarrassing. In reality, no one will be ashamed of you when you make the decision to enter into a therapy program or some sort of addiction or alcohol treatment center

It shows that you’re taking your recovery seriously, but it’s also safer and more reliable than trying to quit alone. 

Going through withdrawal can be the hardest part of beating your addiction. It’s painful, emotionally distressing, and it can be deadly. Doing this under the care of a professional can make the process quicker, safer, and easier to handle. 

The counseling that comes after that is also essential. You need to have someone on your team who knows how to get you through this. Seeking professional help is the best way to keep yourself on track. 

Get a Support System

This can be easier said than done.

It’s not unlikely that the people in your friend group were also users. If they also have addiction problems, it may not be safe to use them for support while you’re going through your own healing process of overcoming alcohol addiction.

It’s not a problem for your friends to use drugs or alcohol, but they need to support your recovery and not influence you to join them. 

You can also find a support system in recovery groups like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. These people are going through the journey with you. You may even find a sponsor. 

Focus on Hobbies or Passions

When you’re going through the recovery process, you’re going to find yourself with less to do with the absence of your habits and the friend group that came with them. 

This is a good time to bring back old hobbies or find new ones. You need things that are going to occupy your time and interest productively. Things that will stimulate your mind, like learning something new, puzzles, or games, are great for this.

If you’re a creative person, this is a good time to pick up an artform or writing. This gives you a productive outlet for your thoughts and feelings and distracts you from your habits. 

Overcoming Addiction Is Possible

When you’ve hit rock bottom you might feel like you’ll never get back up again. With effort, help, and support, overcoming addiction is on the horizon for you. You just have to commit to it. 

This is the best time to start your recovery. Don’t put it off; you’ve got this.

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