3 Common Fundraising Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Organizing a Fundraising

Are you trying to talk to donors and raise money for a cause you care about? In these hard times, many charities require our attention and many great causes we might want to fundraise for.

We’ve all been there. But what about some fundraising mistakes you want to avoid? Here’s everything you need to know about how you raise money online.

1. Begging Or Trying too Hard Doesn’t Work

Nobody likes it when people beg for money. It makes the person giving the money feel uncomfortable and begrudging of handing over their hard-earned cash.

Remember, you can help people during this pandemic not just through money. You can read more here about donating online which is much easier to do than asking for donations in-person.

The same can be said not just of people begging on the streets but also people fundraising as well. You need to sell the idea you are fundraising for and build a genuine personal connection with the person handing over their money.

Sending around blank emails asking for money or using cold calls rarely works. Instead, focus on targeting people who have similar values to those that you are trying to fundraise for.

Do not ever lose your temper when asking for money or lose sight of the other person’s perspective. It’s their choice how they spend their money and if they decide not to give it to you don’t act like a sore loser. There’s no denying fundraising is tough during the pandemic but there’s no need to lose your cool.

2. Being Too Ambitious

If you are too ambitious then you can end up feeling disappointed and wind up not achieving as much as you could if you had realistic plans.

Raising $1 million for a small charity is possible but is highly unlikely. Trying to achieve this in a short time frame can lead to ill-discipline and tempers flaring between different people in the fundraising committee.

Remember trustees should be engaged in the process too and should be able to tell fundraisers to row back if they are being too ambitious.

3. Spending On Events that Don’t Pay Out

When people think of fundraising often they think of big grand events that draw in a huge crowd like an auction or a charity fundraiser in a grand hall. These are great opportunities to talk to donors but these events often cost more to run than the money they bring it.

They can also be stressful to organize and takes months of planning that could be spent raising money for the charity. Instead, stay focused. If you are going to run an event be sure to do a cost analysis and hire a good team to raise as much money as you can.

Remember you can raise money online as well.

Fundraising Mistakes Are Easy to Make

Fundraising mistakes are easy to make but don’t despair. Don’t have huge expectations that can’t be met. Don’t spend money on lavish events that will blow all your budget that you might not recoup for charity. You will end up wasting all of your time.

Instead, have a strong and focused campaign that will put you on the path to success. Have realistic goals and don’t lose your temper with other team members if it appears these goals will not be met.

If you are interested in reading more about fundraising mistakes and how to prevent them be sure to check out the rest of our site.