6 Great Ways to Support LGBTQ+ Mental Health

LGBTQ Support

About 4 out of every 100 people in the United States identify as LGBTQ+. While that may not seem like a lot, 4% equals millions of people.

Given that volume of community members, chances are, you know someone that has an LGBTQ+ family member or have one yourself. That can present challenges.

Members of the LGBTQ+ community live a different life in some ways than the general public. That coupled with the judgment that comes with being different leads to several LGBTQ+ mental health challenges.

What can you do to alleviate challenges for the people you know and the community as a whole? Below, we share a handful of tips.

1. Learn Everything You Can

Education on LGBTQ+ issues is a great place to start when it comes to supporting the community. It enables you to be more aware of what’s happening, it helps you participate in conversations, and inspires empathy.

There are several excellent books and movies that touch on LGBTQ+ mental health issues, policy problems, and more. Make it a point to check them out.

2. Listen

If you have a family member or friend in the LGBTQ+ community, listen to them when they talk about their experiences. It can be uncomfortable to listen to things you don’t understand very well. By being comfortable with being uncomfortable though, you give people from a marginalized community the chance to get things off of their chests which can do wonders for their health.

Listening also contributes to your education.

3. Share With Others

If everybody that learned about LGBTQ mental health issues talked to two other people about the subject, empathy would spread like wildfire. Be the person that spreads that message.

Talk to aunts, uncles, friends, and colleagues about what you’ve learned from having an LGBTQ+ community member in your life. Chances are, you’ll evolve someone’s understanding.

4. Vote

Several policies rotate in and out of political spheres that help or hinder LGBTQ+ people. Being aware of what those issues are and voting can create massive changes in the lives and health of community members.

Stay informed and always show up to the ballot box.

5. Connect People With Resources

If you’re noticing a member of the LGBTQ+ community struggling, help connect them with resources. Whether it’s mental health services or other community-based intervention programs, getting people in touch with professionals can make a huge difference in their lives.

Most city halls will have information on services that exist in their locality.

6. Start With Love

At the end of the day, showing love is one of the most powerful supports you can provide to people. Lead with that.

If you celebrate pride with compassion year-round, you’ll make a difference in someone’s life.

LGBTQ+ Mental Health is Important

LGBTQ+ mental health is important because members of this community are disproportionately prone to suicide, drug use, and other issues. Take steps today to support the people of the LGBTQ+ community you know and the community as a whole.

Doing so could save lives!

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