What Are the Different Types of Sexual Behavior That Are Problematic?


Sexual misconduct is no joke. More than one-third of women and roughly one-fourth of men experience abusive sexual behavior. 

The line between abusive and healthy types of sex can be hard to tell. In order to learn the essentials of sexual safety, you need to know about what is always sexually harmful. 

What exactly are inappropriate touching and voyeurism? Is masturbation harmful? What are treatment options for people who commit and experience abusive behavior? 

Answer these questions and you can stay healthy in your sexual life. Here is your quick guide.

Inappropriate Touching

Someone should never touch another person’s private parts without their affirmative consent. They should also not put their private parts on another person’s body or ask someone to touch them when they don’t want to. 

Inappropriate touching can include giving someone a massage or rubbing someone’s body over clothes. It can happen amongst people who are sexual partners or people who have never met before. 

Someone who engages in inappropriate touching faces criminal and civil penalties. They can get help for their behavior from a psychiatrist. 

A person who experiences inappropriate touching can also get help. They can visit websites like sanon.org and learn about support groups they can visit.


Voyeurism occurs when a person watches another person engage in an intimate activity. They may be undressing or having sex with someone else. This can arouse the voyeur, encouraging them to stalk the person or masturbate. 

Voyeurism is never an acceptable activity. A person who commits voyeurism may face criminal charges, especially if they took photographs or videos of the other person. 

Any photographs or videos that someone takes of someone else without their permission should be deleted. A voyeur can receive psychotherapy and take medications, including antidepressants. Survivors of voyeurism can also pursue therapy, especially if they become anxious about their personal safety.

Problematic Masturbation

Masturbation can be a normal sexual activity. However, it threatens someone’s physical or sexual health if it causes physical harm. Someone may damage their skin or sexual organs while they are masturbating. 

Someone may be unable to control their sexual urges. They may masturbate in public, or they may be unable to stop masturbating. 

A therapist can help someone manage their impulses. An individual may masturbate to relieve stress or deal with trauma. A therapist can help a person find a new way to cope with their problems. 

The Most Common Types of Problematic Sexual Behavior

Some forms of sexual behavior are never okay. Touching that occurs without someone’s consent is sexual assault. Voyeurism violates someone’s privacy and objectifies their body. 

Masturbation is okay, but it becomes problematic if it creates physical pain. It can also lead to an addiction. 

People who experience sexual abuse can seek counseling. Talk therapy and 12-step programs can help them cope with their experiences. Perpetrators should also seek help and consider taking medication. 

These behaviors are just a few that someone may experience, and you must learn more. Read more sexual health guides by following our coverage.