Is Your Smile Healthy?: 4 Signs of Bad Dental Hygiene

Tooth spot – Women smiles revealing white tooth spot.

In Canada, over 5% of adults have untreated cavities and over 6% have no teeth at all. 

The importance of good dental hygiene goes beyond the aesthetic of your teeth – it can also have an effect on your physical health. Certain oral problems are genetic but there are also bad dental hygiene practices that lead to tooth decay and damage. 

You may be asking yourself, do I have bad dental hygiene? From foul breath to discoloration, there are certain red flags that you can look out for that indicate poor oral care. 

Stay with us to learn the four signs of bad dental hygiene. 

1. Bad Breath

We all might experience bad breath at times after a heavily spiced meal. However, this usually goes away once you’ve brushed your teeth. 

Persistent bad breath can be a sign of built-up bacteria, excessive plaque, or gingivitis. If you’re experiencing bad breath and you want to know how to take care of your teeth, be sure to go for regular check-ups and cleanings to ensure that you eliminate bad breath and stay on top of your oral care. 

2. Tooth Sensitivity 

If you’ve ever felt a sharp pain after eating something cold, you could have tooth sensitivity. This could be a sign of a more serious underlying oral issue, and it is best to see a dentist if the issue persists. 

You can experience tooth sensitivity occasionally that is no cause for concern. It might happen from hot or cold foods and for this, you can use toothpaste for sensitive teeth. 

If you’re looking for a trusted dentist, the team at Brampton Coroners Dental can help. Be sure to visit their website at to find out more about the best dental practices. 

3. Stained Teeth

Certain foods like coffee and red wine can stain your teeth. When this happens, professional teeth whitening can help restore the color of your teeth. In certain cases, however, tooth discoloration could be a sign of serious decay or even a dead nerve. 

Keeping up with regular appointments will allow you to intervene before there is severe damage. 

4. Swollen or Bleeding Gums

Your gums should be pink and free of pain. If you’re experiencing bleeding, red, or swollen gums, it could be a sign of gingivitis which can be reversed if there is early intervention.

This could also be an early sign of periodontal disease, which is much more severe and can lead to tooth loss. Spot, swelling, and discoloration on the gums are definite signs that you need to see your dentist.  

Know the Four Signs of Bad Dental Hygiene

Bad dental hygiene not only results in an unpleasant-looking smile, but it can cause serious health issues in the long run. Knowing the signs, like stained teeth, bad breath, tooth sensitivity, and swollen gums, can help alert you to get the dental care that you need. Keeping up with regular appointments will help maintain your dental hygiene and prevent oral issues. 

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