9 Impressive Health Benefits of Candles

Humans have been using candles for over 5,000 years to illuminate their celebrations and as a source of light. As the world advances, people are learning that they could gain more from burning candles than just the lighting and decorative aspects.

A lit candle in your room will add a touch of ambiance to the setting and make it smell heavenly. But are you aware of the health benefits of candles that could encourage you to keep burning them in your home?

From improving your memory to relieving stress, candles can enhance your overall well-being. So the next time you reach for a candle, count on these nine impressive health benefits.

1. Relieving Stress

When you’re stressed, your body tenses up, and your breathing becomes shallow. Inhaling the aroma of scented candles can help you relax by slowing down your breathing and heart rate.

When candles are burning in your home, they’ll have a calming effect to help you fight anxiety and stress. The flickering light may have a calming effect, while the ambiance will create a more tranquil atmosphere. 

If you like unwinding in your bathtub, you might consider including a candle as a spa bath accessory. Some types of candles, like soy candles, have gentle scents and will infuse the perfect ambiance you need to breathe easy.

2. Evoking Positive Memories

Have you ever smelt a particular scent and been transported back to a happy memory?

The olfactory bulb in your brain is the only sense directly connected to the limbic system. This part of your brain controls emotion and memory. Therefore, the scents from candles directly impact how you feel.

If you want to evoke positive memories, choose a scent that reminds you of a good time in the past. Evoking positive memories will naturally help you feel better because it’s always nice to have fond memories.

3. Improving Your Focus and Concentration

One of the best candle benefits is that it can help you if you have trouble focusing or concentrating. The aroma of the candles can help you focus and be more productive.

When trying to study for an exam or work on a project, choose an invigorating yet not overwhelming scent. Researchers recommend choosing a scent that stimulates the mind. Examples include mint, cinnamon, lemon, and rosemary.

4. Improving Your Mood

If you’re feeling down, a scented candle can help improve your mood. When you’re in a bad mood, the last thing you want is to envelop yourself in darkness.

Instead of drawing the curtains, try lighting a few candles to brighten your mood. The flickering flames and pleasant scents can work together to elevate your mood.

There are certain scents that have been proven to boost your mood. If you’re feeling blue, choose a floral scent like lavender or jasmine. These scents can help reduce anxiety and depression.

5. Helping You Sleep Better

If you’re having trouble getting the recommended seven hours of sleep, it’s time to swap your electronic gadget for a candle. The candle will allow you to unwind during your bedtime. You’ll have an opportunity to listen to your body as the pleasant smell of the candle helps you relax and fall asleep easily. 

The best scents for sleep include chamomile, lavender, and vanilla. These scents have calming properties that will help you relax and sleep better.

When trying to sleep, it’s important to choose a scent that’s not too strong. Otherwise, it may keep you awake instead of helping you sleep.

6. Reducing Allergy Symptoms

A few things will frustrate you more than dealing with allergy symptoms. Watery eyes, a runny nose, and constant sneezing can make it difficult to focus on anything else. Fortunately, burning candles can help you reduce your allergy symptoms.

The fragrance of some candles, such as eucalyptus or peppermint, can help to clear congestion and open up the sinuses. The heat from the candle can soothe your scratchy throat.

The ions from a burning candle can remove allergens like dust, pollen, and pet dander from the air. As a result, you’ll be able to breathe easier, and your allergy symptoms will reduce.

If you suffer from allergies, consider buying candles that don’t have a strong scent.  Otherwise, the fragrance of the candles may trigger your allergies.

7. Relieving Pain

If you’re dealing with pain, candles can help. The heat from the flames can soothe aches and pains. It also relaxes the muscles and eases tension.

The light from the candle also has a soothing effect on the nervous system. The best scents for pain relief include eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender, and rosemary. These scents can relax your muscles and ease the pain.

If you’re dealing with a headache, try burning a peppermint-scented candle. The menthol in peppermint can help to relieve pressure and tension. For achy joints, try a eucalyptus-scented candle, as the eucalyptus oil can reduce inflammation.

8. Boosting Your Energy Levels

If you’re feeling tired and sluggish, candles can give you a much-needed energy boost. The best scents for energy include citrus scents like lemon, lime, and grapefruit. These scents can improve your mood and increase your energy levels.

Cinnamon is another great scent for boosting your energy levels. It can improve your cognitive function and increase your alertness.

If you’re struggling to get through the day, try burning a candle with one of these scents. The pleasant smell will help to improve your mood and give you the energy you need to power through.

9. Helping You Meditate Better

It can be difficult to clear your mind and focus on breathing if you’re new to meditation. However, burning candles can help you focus and improve your meditation practice.

The best scents for meditation include lavender, jasmine, and chamomile. These scents are known for their calming and relaxing properties.

When trying to meditate, it’s important to choose a not too strong scent. You don’t want the smell of the candles to be overwhelming. Otherwise, it may keep you from focusing on your meditation practice.

Leverage the Benefits of Candles

As you can see in our article, the benefits of candles go beyond setting a romantic mood and decorating your room. Candles have many health benefits ranging from reducing allergy symptoms to aiding in meditation. The next time you’re looking for a way to improve your health, reach for a candle.

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