How to Defend Yourself When Traveling Alone

Defend Yourself When Traveling Alone

When you are traveling alone there are a few factors at play that can make you more vulnerable:

  • You are unfamiliar with the cultural norms
  • You do not have a “home base”
  • You are unfamiliar with the neighborhood
  • You aren’t with a group of friends or family

While traveling alone is an incredibly fulfilling experience, it is important to know how to defend yourself when traveling alone in the event that something goes awry.

Are you interested in learning how to defend yourself?

Read on for our best tips!

1. Plan Ahead

The best way to avoid something going awry is to plan ahead!

There are a few things you can do to make sure that you are prepared to travel alone:

Read a map ahead of time. Researching the area and familiarizing yourself with the main streets is going to be a lifesaver. Find out if there are any dangerous areas ahead of time and make a point to avoid them. Don’t just rely on your phone while walking around, as this might make it more obvious that you’re a tourist.
Take time to learn the local customs. Whether you are traveling domestically or abroad, every place has its unique way of doing things. Try to learn the proper greetings and an appropriate way to dress ahead of time so that you blend in and do not accidentally offend any of the local people.

The best way to avoid anything dangerous happening is to be aware, stay in public places, and have a plan ahead of time!

2. Use Your Voice

If someone is bothering you or harassing you, the first step you can take is to just ignore them. They will probably move on quickly.

However, if someone is becoming persistent and aggressive, make sure you know that you’re able to use your voice in this situation. Cry out for help and make a scene if possible. The person that is being aggressive towards you will want to avoid a scene or getting other people involved.

3. Non-lethal Tools to Help You

As a last resort, you can also use a few non-lethal tools to help defend yourself. In some cases, these can be life-saving tools.

A stun gun is something you can carry to defend yourself. A stun gun is lightweight, it can fit in your bag or purse, and it is perfect for defending yourself against a close-contact attacker.

A stun gun delivers electroshock when put against someone for 3-5 seconds. A stun gun will not shock you when you use it as a defense. Consider stun gun protection if you are traveling alone!

How to Defend Yourself When Traveling Alone

Now you know how to defend yourself when traveling alone. Knowing how you can defend yourself will help you relax while you are traveling and get the most out of your experience!

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