5 Early Warning Signs of a Special Needs Child

Special Needs Child

Every year 7.9 million infants are born with congenital disabilities that lead to special needs.

Having a special needs child can be incredibly challenging but also very rewarding. Catching abnormalities early can help correct them or reduce their effects on your child’s daily life.  

With defects affecting one in every 33 babies, the chances are high that you or someone you know will have a child with special needs.

These 5 tips will help you detect the warning signs a special needs child might be giving you. 

Challenges with Textures and Sounds

Special needs children may have difficulties with textures on their skin and in their mouth, as well as sounds. Loud, sudden sounds may make your child visibly stressed or upset. Certain foods may also cause them to have a physical response like grimmacing or not eating something at all. 

They may dislike the feeling of certain blankets or bedsheets. When choosing bedding and beds for your special needs child, you need to be aware of these sensitivities. 

Special needs children may be sensitive to the texture of clothing and tags in clothes. 

Difficulty With Motor Skills 

Special needs children may have early issues with fine motor skills. They may not be able to grasp toys or other objects. Motor skills are often measured by a child able to hold pencils or scissors and use them properly as they age. 

Motor skills also include a child’s ability to construct semi-complex objects or complete obstacle courses. 

When choosing gifts for a special needs child, you should consider things that will help to hone these fine motor skills. 

Development Delays 

A special needs child may go through developmental delays. They may learn skills and master them at a slower rate than other children.

Very early in your child’s life, they may be non-verbal. They may have a difficult time following objects with their eyes.

Development delays may need medical assistance at times. Finding insurance plans for special needs children will be beneficial for receiving specialized medical care at a price you can afford.  

A child experiencing developmental delays may not be interested in becoming mobile through crawling and walking. 

A stroller for a special needs child should consider their level of mobility and how best to keep them safe. 

Poor Attention Skills

Another key behavior to be on the lookout for is poor attention skills. If your child has a hard time maintaining focus or keeping with a task until it is completed, it may be a sign that your child could use a little extra help. 

Your child may exhibit signs of being antsy, such as difficulty sitting still and being quiet during short periods of downtime. 

Hearing Impairments

Another sign that your child might be special needs is if they are exhibiting hearing impairments. A special needs child may not respond when they are called from across the room.

These impairments can also include distracting sounds that may completely take your child’s attention away. It may appear that they are not listening to you at all or that they do respond to your voice. 

Another sign to look for is whether your child responds to changes in your tone of voice. 

When choosing a daycare for a special needs child, it will be important to communicate these hearing impairments to the teachers and caretakers so that they understand your child’s behavior is not disobedience. 

Make A Plan for Your Special Needs Child

Having a special needs child is a unique challenge that can seem very daunting. Routinely checking for signs of developmental delays is a good way to implement strategies that will make you and your child’s life easier. Creating a plan for your child will ensure they have the most comfortable life possible. 

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