Need a Self Confidence Booster? Try Smiling

confidence booster

A smile is one of the greatest assets that you can have.

What you do on the outside reflects what’s on the inside. When you smile, people think of you as more happy, approachable, and friendly. Plus, just the act of smiling can do wonders for your mood and morale. Even if you’re in a bad situation, just a smile can turn everything around.

A great smile is more than just a confidence booster–it can also increase the levels of happiness in your life and in the lives of others. Embracing the power of your smile can help you take a step towards loving yourself, as well as building confidence and self-esteem.

Want to learn more about how a smile can change your life? Here are some things that a smile can teach you about how to boost self-esteem.

How Smiling Can Be a Self Confidence Booster

Did you know it takes 12 muscles to smile and 32 muscles to frown?

Smiling is an easy, natural way to add more positivity in your life. It can improve your mood, make others around you happier, and boost your self confidence.

Having a gorgeous smile is about more than just looks. You can reap the mental, emotional, and physical health benefits of smiling more often.

Let’s get into all the different ways you can benefit from smiling more–and the science behind it all.

The Power of Your Smile

A single smile is all it takes to accelerate positive thinking.

When you smile at others, you come across as more pleasant, likable, and attractive. It also tells the other person that you find them pleasant, likable, and attractive too–acting as a self-esteem booster for both of you.

Smiling more often is the first step towards building healthy relationships all around you. Making the deliberate decision to smile at others–even strangers–can make the environment more comfortable and positive.

In a workplace, smiling is a crucial part of effective teamwork. When people feel like their co-workers genuinely care about them and their lives, the whole workplace becomes happier and more productive. A self-esteem boost can also bring work performance to a higher level.

Here are some ways you can use the power of your smile:

  • Each morning at work, greet your coworkers by smiling at them and asking how they are feeling
  • Smile at strangers on the street–even if they don’t smile back
  • When you pass by people you know, make the effort to smile and say hello
  • Take the time to smile at family members, friends, and partners
  • If you’re interested in someone romantically, try smiling at them from across the room
  • Smile during job interviews or work meetings to show others that you’re approachable and friendly

The Science Behind Your Smile

Smiling at people doesn’t just help the self-esteem of others. It can also boost your mood and make you feel happier–just from the act of smiling.

When you smile at another person–or even at yourself in the mirror–the action releases endorphins in the brain. These endorphins make you feel calm, happy, and positive.

Even if you don’t feel like smiling, just remember that your brain can’t tell the difference between a fake or genuine smile. The act of smiling itself will release endorphins, making you happier and more confident even if you didn’t feel that way to begin with.

This is called the “facial feedback effect,” and it’s been shown to work with frowning as well. It shows that whatever you do on the outside can affect how you’re feeling on the inside.

Be conscious of your facial expression as you go through the day. How often do you smile–at others or just to yourself? Do you find yourself frowning throughout the day?

Once you’ve made a note about your daily smiling habits, you can make a more deliberate effort to put on a smile every now and then.

Missing the Dentist Can Make You Unhappy

It isn’t just smiling that affects your mood–the quality of your smile can be a significant factor in whether that smile makes you feel better or worse about yourself.

People who avoid the dentist tend to be unhappier throughout their lives. This is linked to the fact that those who don’t get checkups regularly are more likely to have missing teeth, gum disease, a crooked smile, or other oral health issues that affect their day to day life.

Having an imperfect smile can make someone less likely to smile out of self-consciousness or fear, which only feeds into their feeling of negativity. Keeping your smile at its best is important–not just for your health, but for your overall happiness.

When you have a great smile and you feel good about showing your teeth, smiling and laughing will come to you naturally, giving you the self-confidence boost that you need.

Want to learn more about how straight teeth can impact your health? Check out this blog for more information.

Take Your Smile to the Next Level

A great smile doesn’t just look good–it acts as a confidence booster and a way to build better self-esteem.

Don’t wait around to get the smile of your dreams. You don’t have to have a perfect smile to shower yourself (and others) with positivity and self-confidence. Keep your smile healthy and strong–and it will return the favor.

Need more help living your best, happiest life? Take a look at our website for more tips for self-confidence and advice on being your best self.