8 Simple Ways to Start a Meditation Practice

start a meditation practice

Regular meditation comes with a number of proven health benefits, from stress reduction to improving your attention span. It can even help with high blood pressure.

Unfortunately, in today’s fast-paced world it’s hard for many people to find time to concentrate on self-growth. Before you know it, stress and responsibility may get the better of you and leave you feeling like you’re losing control.

When this happens, it’s important to stop and refocus. One of the best ways to do this is to start a meditation practice.

If you’ve thought about doing this but don’t know where to begin, keep reading. We’re going over eight simple tips to help you on your way.

1. Baby Steps

It’s important to remember that meditation may not be easy in the beginning. Instead of trying to force yourself to meditate for an hour at a time, start small.

Set easily-attainable goals when you’re starting out. Try simple, ten-minute sessions. This ensures you’re not putting too much pressure on yourself while becoming familiar with the practice of meditation.

The point is to make it a habit, not achieve enlightenment right away. Once you get on a regular routine, you’ll find you can quickly start meditating for longer periods of time.

You’re laying the foundation for a strong daily meditation practice. Quality over quantity is the key.

2. Set a Schedule and Stick to It

It’s important you integrate meditation into your daily schedule. If you need to add it your calendar or set an alert, do it. Treat meditation just like the rest of your responsibilities.

It’s also important to ensure nothing will interfere with your meditation routine. It may help to schedule it at the same time each day.

Meditating first thing in the morning is a great way to stay on schedule. Plus, your brain hasn’t started confronting all the issues and stresses of the day, so you may feel more at ease.

Regardless of when you schedule your session, make sure you’re free of all distractions. Turn your phone off so can fully concentrate.

3. Try Guided Meditation

Many newcomers to meditation have trouble understanding the process. If this happens to you, a little instruction is all you need.

Guided meditation takes you through the entire process. This includes breathing and relaxation techniques along with visualization.

If you lack confidence and want to be sure you’re on the right track, guided meditation is definitely for you. Consider looking for classes in your area or check out books that will lead you through the process.

There are also a number of meditation apps that can help you out.

4. Find a Partner

If you’re struggling to keep to your meditation schedule, consider finding a partner. This will keep you accountable and even help expand your knowledge of meditation practices.

If you know a friend who wants to start meditating, join forces. This is a great way to enhance your commitment to self-growth.

You could also consider joining a local group. This may seem strange, as meditation is a largely individual activity, but a group can actually inspire you to push yourself to reach new levels.

Joining a meditation group also gives you access to more information about the practice.

5. A Comfortable Setting

You should understand that you can meditate anywhere. That’s what makes the practice so powerful.

However, when developing a routine, it’s important you create a comfortable environment for yourself.

Make sure you have access to a quiet space you feel at ease in. If you use essential oil diffusers, this is the perfect time to break out your favorite aroma.

A comfortable chair works great while meditating. You can also invest in a meditation cushion. These help keep you alert and upright.

When it comes to your posture, it’s important not to slump, as you may feel tempted to let yourself fall asleep.

6. Find Your Focus

Mediation is all about focus. When starting out, it helps to develop a focal point that works for you.

Instead of using a foreign mantra you read or heard about, use something that’s more meaningful to you. This could be a simple phrase regarding a loved one or an affirmation to yourself.

If you don’t want to use a mantra, simply focusing on your breathing is a great technique. Concentrate on steady, evenly timed breaths.

You can also close your eyes and visualize a point far in the distance. Whenever thoughts try to infiltrate your mind, refocus on that point.

7. Don’t Let Anxiety Get in the Way

Meditation helps to fight anxiety, but sometimes stress can impede.

When starting out, it’s common for people to become anxious when they can’t seem to stay focused. It’s important you understand this is normal and that you can’t let yourself get frustrated.

If you begin meditating and can’t seem to get into a rhythm, open your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and start again. Remember, it’s not always going to be easy.

Once you’ve become more adept at the practice, you’ll find that meditation is the best cure for anxiety. When your stress level gets too high, five minutes of simple meditation can fully relax you.

8. Practice

It’s a common misconception that some people are good at mediation and some people aren’t. The fact is, everybody can do it.

Meditation is just like any other skill. The more you practice, the better you’ll get. And the better you get, the more it will benefit you.

This is why sticking to a regular routine is imperative. In the beginning, not all of your sessions will be 100% successful. However, the more you practice, the easier it gets.

Start a Meditation Practice Today

If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed lately, or have simply lost focus, start a meditation practice and realign your body and mind. It may seem difficult at first, but you’ll soon understand how beneficial it is.

Use the tips above to develop a routine and stick to it. It will soon be second nature and part of everyday life.

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