The Complete Guide That Makes Living a Good Christian Life Simple


Christianity is among the most popular types of religions in the U.S., as 63% of Americans identify as Christians. If you’re one of them, you know it can be tough to live a good Christian life. You have to worry about following all the commandments and still forgive the neighbor who hurt you the most.

Do you ever feel like you’re not doing enough to live a good Christian life? You’re not alone.

It’s normal to have moments when you question your faith and wonder if you’re doing enough in living as Christ desires. The good news is that living a good Christian life is simpler than you might think.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to cultivate a closer relationship with God and live a life that’s pleasing to Him. So if you’re ready to learn more about what it takes to live a good Christian life, keep reading.

Read Your Bible Often

Reading the Bible is one of the best ways to grow closer to God and learn more about His will for your life. It can be difficult to find time to read the Bible with everything else going on in your life. But there are a few simple ways you can make it happen.

First, set aside some time each day to read your Bible. Even if it’s just for 10–15 minutes, reading the Bible regularly will help you feel more connected to God.

Another way to make sure you’re reading the Bible is to find a Bible study group that meets near you. This is a great way to learn more about the will of the Lord Jesus Christ while also connecting with other Christians.

Invite Jesus Into Your Life

If you’re not already a Christian, one of the best things you can do to live a good Christian life is invite Jesus into your life. This is a decision that you need to make on your own. If you’re ready to take this step, there are a few things you can do.

First, pray and ask God to help you make this decision. Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive your sins. Then, ask Him to come into your heart and help you not sin again.

If you need something to get you started on living a spiritual life, you can watch God’s Not Dead on Pure Flix. This movie series has powerful scenes that will inspire your Christian faith and guide you in your quest to live a good Christian life.

You’ll have to read the Bible and learn more about what it means to follow Jesus. You can talk to a pastor or another Christian friend to get their perspectives.

Once you’ve decided to invite Jesus into your life, adhere to a spiritual lifestyle. Attend church every week and get involved in a Bible study group. You can also read Christian books and magazines and listen to Christian music.

Pray Daily

Another important part of living a good Christian life is praying every day. Praying is how you communicate directly with God, so it’s important to make time for prayer every day. It’s also a way of strengthening your spiritual relationship with God.

As a spiritual person, you can pray whenever and wherever you like. However, you may find it beneficial to set aside some time each day for prayer. This can be first thing in the morning, before bed, or during your lunch break.

Find a time that works for you, and stick to it as best you can. If you have trouble praying independently, try finding a prayer partner to pray with you once a week.

Serve Others

One of the most important things Jesus taught us was to love our neighbor as ourselves. One way to do this is by serving others.

Research suggests one trait of a religious person is volunteering to help the less fortunate. If you want to strengthen your religion and live a good Christian life, you should serve others in your community. 

You can volunteer at a local soup kitchen or food bank. You can also help out at a local shelter or after-school program.

Another way of serving others is by giving generously. This doesn’t mean you have to give away all your possessions, but it does mean being generous with what you have.

One way to do this is by giving money to charities or causes you care about. There are many ways to serve others, so find an opportunity that interests you and get involved.

Don’t Give Into Temptations to Sin

One of the most difficult things about living a good Christian life is resisting the temptation to sin. You’ll face temptations to lie, cheat, or steal. But as Christians, you should resist these urges and live according to God’s will.

If you’re struggling with a particular temptation, ask God for help in resisting it. Pray for strength, and ask your friends or family to hold you accountable.

It’s also important to embrace a spiritual lifestyle by avoiding situations that might lead to temptation. If you know certain places or activities make it harder for you to resist sinning, do your best to avoid them.

Attend Church Regularly

One of the best ways to live a good Christian life is to attend church often. The church is a great place to learn more about God’s will for your life and connect with other Christians.

If you’re not already attending church, try visiting a few different churches to see which one is the best fit for you. Once you find a church you like, make an effort to attend services regularly.

You can also get involved in your church community by joining a Bible study group or serving on a committee. There are many ways to get involved in your church. So, find an activity that will motivate you to keep attending church.

Start Living a Good Christian Life Today

The steps to living a good Christian life are simple, but they require some effort. You have to set aside time to read your Bible, pray, and serve others. If you follow the steps in our article, you’ll be well on your way to living a good Christian life.

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