5 Virtues on the Christian Values List

When asked, 65 percent of Americans state that their religion is Christianity. 

Some of these individuals actively participate in their faith, while others may not.

If you want to pursue Christianity in your life, you might want to begin by reading the Bible. The Holy Bible teaches you what Christianity is all about, and it’s the best place to learn how to live this lifestyle.

Additionally, you might benefit by learning the top virtues on the Christian values list. Here are the top five.

1. Compassion

Compassion is the first virtue that Christians believe in and follow. In the Bible, Jesus Christ demonstrates the importance of compassion and how to offer it. 

Compassion involves a deep passion, concern, and love for others, especially those who hurt or have deep struggles. For example, if you see a homeless person, you feel bad for them instead of judging them. 

Developing compassion for people is a virtue that you can read about in the Bible. God, himself, shows compassion throughout the Old Testament, but you can find many stories of people who also do.

2. Forgiveness

God’s Word also teaches the virtue of forgiveness. Forgiveness means that you release the debt someone owes you.

For example, when a person wrongs you in any way, you release the wrong. Forgiveness doesn’t mean that you condone what they did. Instead, it means that you aren’t holding on to bitterness and unforgiveness for that wrong.

Learning how to forgive isn’t always easy, and many people turn to Christian life coaches when they need help with this virtue. 

3. Love

The New Testament contains 27 books, including the book of 1 Corinthians. One entire chapter in this book talks about love. You’ll find this in 1 Corinthians 13, a passage that people call the “love chapter.” 

Loving people, including our enemies, is a virtue that Christians believe in. This passage is one of many that demonstrate the importance of love. 

4. Humility

Another one of the top Christian morals to learn is humility. Humility is about the way you view yourself and others. 

A humble person doesn’t brag about themselves or view themselves better than others. Instead, humility helps you realize that you are a sinner just like everyone else. 

By developing humility, you keep yourself in the right perspective. You might also find it easier to love and forgive others when you’re humble. 

5. Integrity 

Some people say that integrity is doing what is right even when no one is watching you. Christians believe that this is a crucial part of following Jesus.

If you develop integrity, it means that you want to do the right thing. You don’t care if people see it or not. The important thing is that you choose the right thing. 

Follow The Christian Values List to Live A Christ-Like Life

Following the Christian values list not only helps you live a more Christ-like life, but it can also help you feel peace and contentment in your life. 

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