Top 7 Causes of Infertility in Women


Over 6 million women in the U.S have difficulty getting and staying pregnant, which shows that infertility is more common than we think. 

Trying for a baby can be exciting, but when you’ve tried for at least a year and nothing has changed, it’s important to understand why it happens. Perhaps you’ve currently in this boat and you’re not sure whether it’s your lifestyle or biology that’s hindering the process.

Sounds familiar? Don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place. Here are the seven causes of infertility in women. 

1. Ovulation Issue

“What is the most common cause of infertility in females of childbearing age?” Note, that this is polycystic ovary syndrome.

Otherwise known as PCOS, this is a hormonal imbalance that can affect your chances of conceiving. This can happen to women, before menopause age, who realize that their period has completely stopped. 

2. Older Age 

One of the top causes of infertility in females is trying for a baby when you’re older. Even waiting to conceive in your 30s reduces the chance of conceiving and it’s even known as a “geriatric pregnancy”. 

In terms of biology, a woman is baby-ready during her early 20s as there’s the highest number of quality eggs. Plus, the chances of miscarriage are far lower.

3. Endometriosis

Around one in 10 American women, of childbearing age, suffer from endometriosis. This is where the uterus’s tissue lining grows in the fallopian tubes or other areas that irritate. As a result, the condition may block these tubes which will decrease your chance of pregnancy.

Because of this, regularly visit your gynecologist so they can test for it. 

4. STIs

STIs can cause infertility in women. For instance, chlamydia and gonorrhea cause pelvic inflammatory disease, which often results in infertility. 

5. Unhealthy Body Weight 

This is one of the most causes of infertility in males and females. Being extremely or overweight can impact your body’s pituitary gland which sparks issues with ovulation. To prevent this, eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight.

6. Hyperprolactinemia 

Another hormonal issue behind infertility is hyperprolactinemia. This is where you have too much prolactin which can affect your ovulation. Further, thyroid issues can hinder your pregnancy too.

7. Abnormal Cervical Mucus 

Cervical mucus lets sperm survive in the vagina, but when it’s abnormal then it prevents the process. It’s important to note that there are few treatment options to solve this. But, many doctors advise bypassing the mucus with intrauterine insemination to reduce the risk of infertility. 

Learn About the Causes of Infertility in Women 

Hopefully, after reading this article, you know the main causes of infertility in women. 

The most common issues are ovulation problems, maintaining an unhealthy weight, and suffering conditions like endometriosis. Also, infertility may occur because of old age and STIs. If you’re having trouble conceiving, then book an appointment with a gynecologist today. Good luck. 

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