The Many Health Benefits of Belly Dancing


Belly dancing is an old, if not the oldest form of dance, and to this day, there are lots of people who enjoy this activity. Not only is it a beautiful form of dance, but also, it offers lots of health benefits. If you’re wondering whether you should take up this exciting new hobby, read on to learn about the many health benefits of belly dancing!

Great For Toning Muscles

The movements in belly dance were implemented with the intention of working feminine muscles, such as obliques, glutes, quads, and abs. And because belly dancing is a calm form of dance, you don’t even realize you’re working these muscles! Plus, you can even learn belly dance at home!

Helps Boost Your Confidence

Belly dancing involves a lot of body movement, and because of this, your brain naturally releases “happy” hormones known as endorphins and dopamine. These hormones help boost your mood, as well as your confidence. Not to mention, belly dancing helps gain defined muscles and improves body image, which is another confidence booster.

Improves Posture and Balance

Belly dancing has similar postures and movements to yoga that work your spine, knees, and the pelvic area of your body. So, many of the movements incorporated in belly dance help improve your posture as well as balance. It helps your body adopt the correct alignment, which also helps relieve stress and tension.

Helps You Remain Calm and Relaxed

Belly dancing offers you the chance to express yourself in a deep, relaxing way. It can make your mind enter a meditative state, especially towards the end of a class due to its music and forms of body movement.

Gives You the Chance To Socialize

Just like any other activity, belly dancing allows you to connect with people that share the same interests as you. It’s an excellent way to meet new people and bond with them by performing an activity you all enjoy together. Plus, participating in an activity as a group opens the doors to develop meaningful relationships!

Perfect Prenatal Exercise

Belly dancing involves a lot of abdomens and pelvic movement, which is why it makes a perfect prenatal exercise. It helps women to strengthen the muscles that will be used during childbirth.

In fact, women who plan on having a natural birth will benefit a lot from taking belly dance classes. And, it even makes a great post-natal exercise, helping you to tone your abdomen. The best part is, belly dancing works your abdomen in a gentle way, unlike when doing your ordinary ab exercises, such as situps or crunches. 

Start Enjoying the Benefits of Belly Dancing!

As you’ve read, the benefits of belly dancing are many, and no matter what your age is, you can enjoy them all the moment you start learning. You won’t regret your choice. And, if you’ve enjoyed this post, then you’ll love our other articles on our blog! There are tons of health and beauty-related tips that you’ll certainly enjoy, so check them out!