How to Be a Better Christian: 7 Simple Tips

Be a Better Christian

The world is full of temptations that try to pull us further away from Christian teachings. We all relinquish the feeling of being away from Jesus Christ, and we try as much to get closer. We are always trying to increase our faith in Christ by doing what’s expected in the Biblical teachings.

Have you ever reached a point in your life where you’ve asked yourself how to be a better Christian? With the challenges we face today, it can be challenging to regain our focus on God.

This article will give you seven simple tips on how to become a better Christian.

1. Read God’s Word Regularly

The same way a car can’t go for an extended period without refueling so do Christians. The bible is what fuels us to increase our faith in God. Make it a personal goal to read the Bible as many times as possible to fuel your spiritual growth.

2. Be Prayerful

The best way to communicate with God is to humble yourself before Him and pray. 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18 proclaims that it’s God will to pray without ceasing and give thanks to all circumstances in your life.

3. Be Quick to Forgive Others

It may be the hardest thing to do, but as a Christian, you’re required to be forgiving as God forgives when you sin. To be closer to God, you must be tender-hearted and show mercy to those who wrong you as required in Biblical teachings.

4. Be Humble

Unfortunately, most Christians tend to rebuke sinners by bragging about how Christian living is better and how close they are to God. That will only turn away people from joining the gospel. You can turn people into believers by preaching the actual benefits of walking with God.

5. Get a Christian Life Coach

Getting yourself back to biblical teachings can, at times, be challenging. Christian life coaching is having someone help you refocus and rekindle your efforts towards God’s purpose for your life.

6. Help Those in Need

Proverbs 19:17 in context states that whoever gives to the poor gives to God and will be rewarded for their actions. If you’re blessed, make it a point to visit the vulnerable people in society and accord them any help they might need.

Don’t wait until you become super-rich; you can start with what you have.

7. Volunteer

Being more religious is about participating in serving God in the church using your God-given talents. God calls you to serve others as His grace is being administered to you.

There are many ways you can give your service to humanity while serving God. You can volunteer at the local children’s home, hospital or home shelter.

Learn these Insightful Tips on How to Be a Better Christian

How to be a better Christian has been summarized for you using the above tips. Becoming a better Christian is an iterative process where you grow when you intentionally make it your goal to become better. When faced with ups and downs, remember these tips will help you get back on your course.

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