Speed It Up: 5 Slow Metabolism Symptoms to Watch Out For

Slow Metabolism Symptoms

Did you know that the average basal metabolic rate for women is 1,400 calories and 1,800 calories for men?

This number represents how much energy your body uses to stay alive each day without factoring in any exercise or activities. If you’re experiencing fast metabolism symptoms, then this number could be higher for you.

Most of us aren’t lucky enough to have a supercharged metabolism. If you’re worried that your body isn’t functioning at its peak, keep reading to learn about 5 slow metabolism symptoms.

1. Weight Gain

While it’s normal for all of us to put on more weight as we age, you should still be able to maintain a healthy weight with mindful dietary and exercise habits. A slow metabolism benefits people who’ve struggled to gain weight their whole life, but a majority of people don’t have this issue. If you’re gaining weight unintentionally, then a slow metabolism could be to blame.

2. Difficulty Losing Weight

Do you feel like you have fat that won’t budge no matter how many calories you cut out of your diet or how often you exercise? A slow metabolism creates an environment where our bodies cling onto fat reserves. Adopting a healthier lifestyle can be challenging for people, but you should be able to see results in your physique if you’re putting in the effort.

3. You Have Family Members Who Struggle With Weight

Anyone who has family members, especially parents, who suffer from a slow metabolism is at a higher risk for developing this issue as well. You can learn more about the link between genetics and diet here so you can understand if your family history is the source of your health issues.

4. Hair Loss, Brittle Nails, and Dry Skin

When our bodies aren’t absorbing enough nutrients, our hair, nails, and skin are often the first places to suffer. One of the worst slow metabolism effects is not being able to get value out of the foods we eat. It’s always a good idea to discuss these symptoms with a doctor so you can make sure you don’t develop any nutrient deficiencies.

5. You Eat Foods That Slow Metabolism

Some of the worst foods for our metabolism include alcohol, sugary drinks, refined grains, fried dishes, and products high in sodium like microwaveable meals. While you don’t have to cut these things out of your diet, it’s important to be aware of how much you consume if you want to speed up your metabolism.

Now You Know the Top Slow Metabolism Symptoms

Taking the time to learn about slow metabolism symptoms can help you figure out if your body isn’t working as well as it should. Once you get a diagnosis, you can take steps toward achieving a healthier metabolism.

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