Here’s How to Come Out as Nonbinary And Start Being Seen the Way You Want

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Coming out can be one of the most difficult things a person can do. While on a larger societal level people have become more accepting of others, it can still be hard to rectify your personal identity with those in your life.

It can take a lot of courage to come out, especially if you are nonbinary. Many people still don’t understand what it means to be nonbinary, and your coming out might even have to serve as an education to some people.

If you need help learning how to come out as nonbinary, read on. We’ll walk you through a few tips that might help.

Make Sure The Time Is Right

As much as we wish that all coming out stories could be perfectly happy, it’s not always the case. That’s what makes the process so difficult. It’s important to look at your life at this moment and consider if the time is right now.

Will your safety be at stake if you come out? Will you be in a position where you might lose your job?

This is unfair to have to think about, but it is the reality we currently live in. There’s never a perfect time to come out, but the last thing you want to do is jeopardize your well-being. If you’re currently living in a situation that feels dangerous to your true identity, consider removing yourself from the situation first.

Find A Format That Makes You Feel Comfortable

There are a lot of different ways to come out. It can be in person, in a letter, in an e-mail, or in a social media post, just to name a few. It may be to one person at a time or to a group. You may come out in small steps, or all at once.

There really is no right or wrong way to come out. There’s only what feels most comfortable to you.

It’s important to take the time to consider which format makes you feel the safest. Which will cause you the least stress and heartache? This is probably the direction you want to go in.

Keep Things Simple

A lot of people still don’t understand exactly what it means to be non-binary. A broad understanding of gender identity still does not exist across the country.

As such, it’s important that you explain yourself in as simple of terms as possible. This might be frustrating, but if you can really focus in on what you want to get across, it can make things easier for yourself in the long-term.

It’s important to convey both what you feel like you are and what you are not and to define what certain words mean to you that might not be clear to the other person.

A nonbinary identity is something to take great pride in, and that’s something you can read on here to learn more about. That being said, you need to accept that many people don’t have the same understanding of gender identity, and you need to be patient with them.

How To Come Out As NonBinary

It’s never easy to come out, especially to those closest to you. The above tips can help you understand best how to come out as nonbinary.

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