How to Look More Confident in 7 Easy Steps

Developing Confidence

You just got out of a job interview that you’re pretty sure you bombed. You couldn’t stop fidgeting your legs, you kept your hands in your pocket the entire time, and you couldn’t keep eye contact with the interviewer for more than a few seconds.

It’s hard to stop yourself from being nervous during an interview but you have to do your best to show that you’re confident (even if you’re not). It can be harder than it seems. That’s why we’re here to teach you how to look more confident.

So, pull up a chair and keep reading. Here are a few ways to improve your self-image in time for the next big conversation in your life.   

1. Practice Good Posture 

Before walking into any room, take a moment to pull your shoulders back and stand up a bit straighter. Look directly in front of you. Don’t hang your head. 

It will feel awkward but having good posture is the best way to feel confident. Everyone will look at you in a new light and will be more likely to treat you like the sophisticated professional that you are.

Slouching has the opposite effect. It makes you appear to be nervous and closed off. You don’t look open for conversation so everyone will view you as unapproachable. 

Besides giving you a boost of confidence, having good posture is good for your health. Slouching puts a huge strain on your neck and back, which will leave you sore. 

If you need to work on your posture and make corrections, consider going to a chiropractor or buying the best posture corrector that stores have to offer. 

2. Keep Eye Contact

You don’t want to stare people down. That’s a little creepy and will make your audience feel more than uncomfortable. You do want to keep eye contact to some degree though. 

If you’re looking away every few seconds, you’ll give off the impression that you’re inattentive or uninterested in what is being said to you. It also makes you look shy. 

So, if you’re in an interview, look into the employer’s eyes when you’re talking. If you’re speaking to several people in a board meeting, alternate from person to person. Don’t stick to one member of the audience for too long though, or again, you’ll come across as unsettling. 

3. Sit still 

Most people fidget without even realizing it. It’s a nervous habit like bouncing your leg or talking with your hands. Since you’re not sure what your little quirks are, it can be hard to break them. 

You need to do something about them though because fidgeting doesn’t make you appear confident. It shows that you’re nervous or uncomfortable. Luckily, there’s an easy way to fix the problem. 

Sit down with a close friend or family member. Ask them to be on the lookout for your little quirks while you talk to them. Once you’re aware of them, it will be easier to break them. 

4. Slow Down 

Speaking too fast will make the person you’re talking to believe that you’re trying to get out of the conversation. It’s also hard to feel confident if you keep slipping up or saying something you don’t mean because you’re going a mile a minute. 

Take a deep breath, gather your thoughts, and then speak. Slow yourself down and talk clearly. You’ll be less likely to offend someone on accident with horrible word choices this way. 

5. Silence Doesn’t Have to be Awkward 

The problem with slowing your words down is that sometimes it leads to what some may call “awkward silence”. You feel the urge to talk faster and more to fill the room with noise because silence makes you feel like the conversation is going downhill. This isn’t always the case. 

You can actually use quiet to make you appear to be more confident. Allowing a brief pause after someone gets done talking shows them that you’re processing what they said. It tells them that you were listening. 

On the flip side of this, ending your sentences with a long pause gives the other person time to dwell on your words before they respond. 

6. Keep Your Hands Out 

Keeping your hands in your pockets or folding your arms makes you look unconfident and anxious. While you’re talking, keep them out and let them be active. You can use them to put emphasis on certain words as long as you don’t overdo it. 

You don’t want to have to pull your hand out of your pocket to shake someone’s hand. By having your hands out and responding to the shake right away, you look like you’re on top of your game. 

7. Take Bigger Steps 

Taking small, hurried steps will cause you to look scared or anxious. Use large, wide steps when you’re coming into or leaving a room. 

If you combine this with good posture, everyone will be able to pick up on your big professional energy. If this doesn’t improve your self-esteem, nothing will. 

How to Look More Confident (Even if You’re Not) 

Confidence is something that any employer values. You’ve got to learn how to stand up straight, take big steps, and slow yourself down if you want to pull ahead and get what you want. 

Knowing how to look more confident can be harder than it looks. Everyone has little quirks that can make them appear to be nervous. It’s important that you beat them so you can fill every room with your professional energy. 

It’s not easy to be confident if your self-esteem is low. Visit the love yourself more section of our blog daily to start your journey toward self-improvement.