Just Keep Thinking: 5 Philosophical Theories That Make You Dig Deeper

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Do you love pondering life’s greatest questions? If so, you’re in the right place.

We’ve compiled a list of some of the most fascinating philosophical theories you’ll find. So get ready to think, because these theories might just have you questioning everything you know!

Keep reading for more.

1. Plato’s Cave

Though Plato has no shortage of great philosophical musings, our personal favorite involves his cave allegory as it relates to his theory on forms.

To risk oversimplification, his assertion is one’s perception is their reality, for better or worse.

In the allegory, he uses the example of a group of people in a cave chained to a wall since birth. They see shadows pass, which they go on to name.

For those prisoners, the shadows ARE who they say they are. Furthermore, since the prisoners don’t know any other life, they have no reason to venture outside to find the “truth.”

2. The Multiverse Theory

Imagine there are infinite versions of this world each with infinite versions of yourself, each one slightly different than the other.

As if that wasn’t bonkers enough, every decision you make has an impact on these infinite worlds, and vice versa.

It’s a scary thought! But that’s exactly what philosopher William James and physicist Hugh Everett suggest.

3. The Trolley Problem and Ethics

This one’s for all our readers who love “The Good Place!”

The Trolley Problem is perhaps the most famous example of a moral quandary in philosophy, stemming from consequentialism and ethics.

The idea is that you come across a trolley speeding down a hill, its brakes gone and its passengers terrified. Upon further inspection, you see a complete stranger wandering on the tracks, clueless to the oncoming train. He just so happens to be standing by a safe escape for the passengers.

You have two options: you can pull a lever to save the trolley but kill the man or let the man live and kill the trolley’s passengers in the process.

4. The Reformation Principle

Religion and philosophy have always intermingled. Even now, as Groen van Prinsterer’s analysis shows, there are those debating the values and principles of religious reformation.

The argument presented here is that reformation takes a revolutionary approach. And that approach isn’t always the best path.

5. The Cosmic Joke

Take one-part absurdist humor, one-part nihilism, and toss in a dash of enlightenment and you have our next philosophy, the Cosmic Joke.

This principle states that everything in life is inherently ridiculous, including our own existence. As such, the best way to handle any situation in life is to laugh in its face.

While we don’t suggest, say, laughing at a loved one’s funeral, there is some merit to the philosophy. Studies show that laughter relieves stress and soothes tension.

Things That Make You Go Hmm: Our Favorite Philosophical Theories

We could spend all day talking about our favorite philosophical theories, but for now, we’ll leave you to ponder these exciting theories.

When you’re ready for more, make sure to check back with our blog! We’re constantly posting great content just like this.