Physiotherapist vs Chiropractor: What Are the Differences?


Imagine when you stood up and stretched your spine, you heard a noise followed by pain. Or you went for a run and now you have shooting pain all the down your legs. Do you go to a physiotherapist or a chiropractor?

Back pain is one of the most frequent complaints to the doctor. Nearly 65 million people have reported a recent case of back pain. The question of physiotherapist vs chiropractor can help you decide how to get the best treatment.

Are you dealing with a sports injury or chronic pain? Keep on reading to learn more about the difference between a physiotherapist and a chiropractor.

What Is a Physiotherapist?

A physiotherapist treats injuries and diseases through physical methods. They focus on exercises, stretches, and massages to improve a patient’s quality of life. Their goal is to improve your mobility and reduce pain in your daily life.

A physiotherapist guides you through stretches and exercises, which you can incorporate into your daily routine. They can help you get stronger and move better by developing a wellness plan specific to your needs.  

What Is a Chiropractor?

A chiropractor deals with the alignment of the spine. They mostly focus on back and neck issues, including headaches and joint pain in the arm or legs. They manipulate your spine and adjust your body, so your body remembers how it’s supposed to move in time.

Chiropractors also deal with repetitive strain, leg pain, and back pain because all of these are caused by damage to the spine. They’ll start out with an X-ray to compare how your spine is aligned to how it should be aligned. Get more info in this chiropractic guide. 

How Are They Different?

Both a physiotherapist and a chiropractor deal with pain and stiffness in your body. They may treat the same conditions but use different methods. Some healthcare facilities have both practitioners on their team to support your pain management and long-term spine alignment.

Poor posture and spine misalignment have a significant impact on your health, breathing, and blood circulation. It can lead to an increase in jaw pain, arthritis pain, dizziness, and headaches.

The main difference between the two is that a chiropractor focuses on your spine.

Physiotherapists focus more on body movement and how different parts of your body function. For example, they can work on joint pain or improve muscle weakness because of injuries.

Which One Should You Choose?

The choice between a physiotherapist and a chiropractor depends on your particular situation. In some cases, you may need to work with both. Talk to both professionals and see what works best for your body.

The practitioner will assess your situation, including getting x-rays to determine where the damage is. They will work to find the best treatment plan for your needs.

Still Wondering About Physiotherapist vs Chiropractor?

The first step to recovery is getting the right treatment. While they both deal with pain and range of motion issues, they use different methods to treat these issues. Work with both and see how they can help you.

Check out other articles on self-improvement and fitness to get started on your journey of personal growth and self-discovery. Learn more about mindfulness and loving yourself today.