How to Be Confident in Your Body: 5 Simple Tips

Being confident in your body is easier said than done.

70% of women and 45% of men are dissatisfied with their body image. Many people preach body positivity, but for those with a negative self-image, it can feel impossible to have any body confidence whatsoever.

It’s no secret that loving your body will help you feel freer in life, so today, we’re going to give you some tips on how to be confident in your body. Don’t let society tell you what you should or shouldn’t look like. Keep reading and we’ll help you see yourself in a better light.

1. Find Activities You Enjoy

What ends up being really difficult, when you’re trying to get to your ideal body weight, is the stress of working out. You’re going to hear a lot about what types of workouts you should do to achieve certain results. The thing that really matters is that you’re feeling good and enjoying yourself.

People that exercise tend to feel better about their bodies. Instead of worrying about getting to the gym however many times per week, find the types of exercise that you enjoy and stick to them. 

2. Don’t Strive for Skinny

You don’t have to be “skinny” to start loving your body. What’s actually far more important is whether or not you feel healthy. By finding exercise that you enjoy doing and starting to eat a healthy diet, you’ll start to feel so much better.

Feeling healthy will eventually lead to being more confident in your own skin. From there, you can start to wear things that make you feel more confident as well, like plus size boudoir outfits or a new pair of jeans.

3. Sign Out of Social Media

When you spend too much time scrolling through Facebook or Instagram, it’s going to get to you. Always remember that social media has no real basis in reality, it’s just people showing you what they want you to see.

Behind the veneer of an Instagram post is someone just like you who deals with the same body image issues that you do. It can be really beneficial to disengage with social media by signing out and giving yourself a rest. Get back to focusing on yourself, exercise, and finding new hobbies that make you happy.

4. No More Negative Self Talk

Being confident in yourself starts with being positive, even when you might not feel positive. Negative self-talk pushes us deeper into those negative patterns of thinking. If you wouldn’t say something to someone else about their body image, then why do it to yourself?

Preach self-love to yourself by giving yourself a few verbal confirmations of your own worth per day. The more you do it, the more regular it will feel and the more you’ll start to believe it.

5. Meditation Works

Whether or not you have the time or discipline to get into formal meditation will be dependent on your situation. There are many types of meditation, but when you’re doing it right, you’ll come to the realization that everything is impermanent…including your negative self-image.

Learning How to Be Confident In Your Body Takes Time

Use these tips to learn how to be confident in your body. It’s not going to happen overnight, but by making a concerted effort to love yourself and get healthy, you’ll improve your body image little by little.

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