Is It Actually Worth Getting a Pet Insurance Policy in 2021?


Veterinarian visits are necessary for healthy pets but can make you feel ill at the sight of the bill. Getting a pet insurance policy can help to pay your routine vet bills as well as cover any emergency visits.

Are you thinking ahead about bills for your pet’s veterinarian appointments? Whether you have a relatively healthy pet, or not this layout of pet insurance will help you to understand how pet insurance works. 

Your Pet Insurance Policy Premiums

Pet insurance is a lifesaver for those that have high vet bills for sick pets or have come to a point where their pet needs an expensive operation and they can not afford to pay.

No matter how healthy, or how old your four legged friend is, you can obtain an insurance policy for them. Veterinarians do recommend that pet owners look into obtaining an insurance policy for their pets.

So, how much does a pet insurance policy cost you out of pocket? And, how much money does it save you on vet bills?

Depending on the type of coverage you choose, the deductible, the breed of your pet, and the provider you go with rates can fluctuate. But, one thing is for sure that the premium rate is much more affordable than any emergency vet treatment that your pet might need. 

Pet Insurance Deductibles

A deductible is a term for the payment that is due each time we use our insurance. The same applies to pet insurance. 

We pay a premium each month for insurance, and when we use the insurance there is a separate fee that will be due.

Ask your insurance representative how the deductibles vary, and how the premiums compare to the deductibles.

The deciding factor for many people is that the premium is due each month regardless of whether you use the insurance or not. And, the deductible is only due out of pocket if you use the insurance.

Support Through Major Surgery

When our pets need major surgery or minor surgery we feel it so deeply. We are sympathetic to their pain, scared of how the procedure will go, and concerned about the outcome.

The last thing we want to add to the list of worries is the stress of money or how we will be able to afford this vet bill.

Pet surgery can cost thousands of dollars. And, even though we would do anything for our pets not everyone has extra money in the bank for pet surgery.

Having pet insurance will mean that you have a monthly payment for the insurance and a deductible which will be due at the time of the surgery. But, the majority of the bill will be paid by your pet’s insurance company.

Continued Health Treatment

As a pet parent, what would you do if your pet needed to have continued health treatments and go back to the vet or veterinary hospital frequently? The financial burden of medical treatment can distract from more important things, such as the health of your pet.

Your beloved fur baby might have weekly, monthly, or even more frequent health treatment. Take these trips to the vet with the confidence that the bills are paid in full by your pet insurance provider.

Pet Medication

Pets can be prescribed medications for a variety of illnesses and reasons which can be serious or mild. No matter how serious the issue is, medications are never cheap.

Especially for medications that will need to be given for prolonged periods, they can take a toll on your wallet. Having pet insurance ensures that your pet will have the medicine they need for skin issues, diabetes, heartworms, etc from CanDrugStore.  

Keep your pet as healthy as possible with the medications that they are prescribed. We want our pets to live as long as possible, but to be happy and healthy, too.

Catching Up On Overdue Treatments

Is there a list of medical treatments that your pet is overdue for? Many of us will ignore or put off health issues that we are personally are dealing with, yet when our pet needs something it is hard to leave them wanting.

Pets can not tell us when something is bothering them. The best we can do is try to be in tune with their personalities and body language, and tell when something is not quite right. 

Taking them to the vet might present a list of tests that need to be run, medications or treatments that need to be given, or possible surgeries that they might need in the future.

Catch up on the veterinarian to-do list when you sign your pet up for a pet insurance policy. Most providers will begin coverage shortly after your first payment is received, which means that you can start making vet appointments asap!

For Healthy Youthful Pet

Pet insurance comes in quite handy for older dogs, dogs that are sick, or dogs that need emergency care. But, is pet insurance necessary for all pets?

If your pet is young, healthy, and up to date on all of their vaccinations, you might not think that it is important to pay a monthly pet insurance premium for them.

When your pet is young and healthy they probably will not be making too many trips to the vet. Though they may be healthy now, there is no way to tell what will happen in the future.

Switching Veterinarians

As with our human health insurance coverage, we can choose any doctor that accepts our insurance. if the doctor is in our health care network we can use their services by only paying the deductible.

You might be using a specific veterinarian because it is the closest one to your home or the one that is most affordable for your budget. The reassuring thing about pet insurance is that you can switch vets, if you want to or if your pet needs specialized treatment that only a certain vet can offer. 

Protecting Your Pet

Your pet means the world to you, and their good health is what will keep them around as long as possible. Protect them with a pet insurance policy that will cover vet bills that are both expected and unexpected. 

Once you’ve checked out different pet insurance providers, check out some of our other posts about human quality of life.