3 Unique Vacation Bible School Theme Ideas

Vacation Bible School Theme Ideas

With 52% of Americans identifying as Christian, many are wondering: how do we keep our kids in church?

Vacation Bible Schools are a fun way to keep kids engaged while teaching them about the Bible, God, and Jesus. And nothing makes a VBS more fun than a unique, surprising theme!

Are you looking for a theme to take your VBS to the next level? Keep reading. We’ll share our four favorite and unique VBS themes to help kids begin to love God for a lifetime.  

1. Fishers of Men

Peter and the apostles began the adventure of a lifetime when Christ called them to follow Him in Mark 1:17. Instead of fishing for, well, fish, He invited them to be “fishers of men”!

Fish and fisherman are a frequent theme in the Bible. Biblical stories such as The Feeding of the 5,000 use fish as a symbol to show God’s loving provision for His children. You can use this theme to teach kids that God is always providing for them — as well as calling them on an adventure!

Amp up your fishing theme with fishing rods, nautical decorations, and sea creatures everywhere. Don’t forget to serve goldfish crackers and play Go Fish!

2. The Lord is My Shepherd

Psalm 23 tells us that “The Lord is my Shepherd.” This image persists into the New Testament, where Jesus teaches that He is the Good Shepherd who lays down His life to protect the sheep. The Good Shepherd guides us, protects us, and seeks us out when we have gone astray. 

This theme is easy to incorporate. Children love barnyard animals. You can easily work in some of the many animals in the Bible to various explorations of your theme. 

By demonstrating the way sheep follow a shepherd, you better demonstrate the way we should follow God. 

3. The Kingdom of Heaven 

The Bible features many Kings, Queens, Pharaohs, Emperors, and other members of royalty. However, they only serve as foils to God. No matter how much worldly power they have, the power of God is always stronger. 

Encourage children to come in dressed as various royalty. This is a fun way to incorporate many different styles and segue into stories in the Bible. It’s also a way to show the children that the love of God is supreme. 

You can also work this into a demonstration of the trinity, and the ways in which divine power differs from the power that people hold here on earth. 

Yes, Kids Can Have Fun in Church!

Whoever heard of a boring Vacation Bible School? Make yours even more fun and keep kids in church by adding some incredible vacation bible school themes

There’s lots more to learn about how to raise kids to love God. If you’re looking for more resources on sharing Jesus with kids, check out the rest of our blog. You’ll find tips on spirituality, teaching the Bible, and so much more!