5 Practical Tips That Teach You How to Pray

How to Pray

Consider this: 55% of Americans pray regularly. But if praying isn’t your strong suit, you might be interested in prayer for beginners.

Are you new to the world of prayer?

If you are feeling a little stressed from the looming pandemic, it might help to take time to be alone. Discover five practical tips that teach you how to pray today!

1. Keep It Simple 

When it comes to remaining peaceful during pandemic time, finding tips on how to pray effectively is key. First things first, keep it as simple as possible. Your prayer doesn’t have to be dramatic and persuasive – it just has to share your needs genuinely.

Next time you pray, try speaking to God as you would talk to a friend. He even listens to the simplest requests! 

2. Pray With Verses

If you start to pray without consulting the Bible first, you may find that you don’t have much to say. However, reading the Bible will inspire you to better know God’s heart, prompting you to pray without hesitation.

To begin, find a passage that resonates with you and speak the words out loud. If a certain verse strikes you, ask God how to work that teaching into your life. Experiment with prayer requests for those you love too. 

3. Make Prayer Multisensory 

Prayer can become dull when you don’t put any creativity into it. Instead, make your prayer time multisensory by lighting a scented candle, which signals a sense of calm to your brain. Surprisingly enough, even playing music might help focus on God.

Other creative ways to pray include the following:

  • Doodling
  • Drawing
  • Painting

Another unique idea is to keep a prayer journal. By praying after each request, your mind will stay alert for much longer.

4. Make Prayer Important

In today’s busy world, it must be hard to make time for prayers daily. However, starting and ending your everyday routine with prayer can keep you inspired throughout the day. In fact, you can even ask God to give you a hand with your to-do list or schedule.

Incredibly enough, even hearing a distressing news story can be the perfect time to lift your voice to God. Try praying for your child or spouse as you give them hugs too.

5. Expect Prayers to Work

Prayer isn’t exciting when you don’t expect any of them to be answered. Rather than prepare for rejection, ask God for answers, and see what occurs in your life. You might be shocked by how quickly God will respond! 

Find Out How to Pray Today 

If you want to learn how to pray, then you’re in good company.

From making prayer a multisensory experience to praying over Bible verses, there are so many ways to enhance your spiritual life right now. The most important part, though, is having faith that God is actually listening to your prayer. We wish you the best of luck!

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