How Can Sobriety Tokens Motivate You to Give up the Booze for Good

Sobriety Tokens

Battling addiction is an everyday affair. One slip up could mean setting back your recovery by months or even years. 

As such, sobriety programs utilize special tokens as a marker to track your path to recovery. But how can sobriety tokens help you give up alcohol?

Here are some ways AA tokens help to motivate you on your journey.

History of Sobriety Tokens

Sobriety tokens were introduced fairly recently, as far as human history goes. 

Many people believe they originated in Indianapolis in 1942, with a local group using colored poker chips to mark people’s length of sobriety. Some historians attribute its beginnings to a group in Elmina, N.Y. in 1947.

Previously, you might have seen Sacred Heart Medallions handed out as a signifier of one’s commitment to God and temperance.

Regardless, their popularity as milestone markers caught on with numerous other 12-step programs around the country. 

Though key and chip practices differ between programs, this system has become universally recognized with these 12-step recovery programs. 

Types of Tokens

There are a number of different types of sobriety tokens given out for different addiction recovery programs. 

Though they typically follow the same pattern, some programs give out an introductory token for your first day on the path. However, this can be seen as embarrassing and counterproductive for members that relapse often. 

Regardless, the AA chip system tends to follow a similar pattern regardless of the group using it. 

For each month, you earn different AA chip colors depending on how long you’ve been sober. For example, the first month might be red, the second gold, and the third month sober being green. 

These AA Chips then change into more notable bronze coins to mark the years you’ve been sober. Some programs also utilize AA white chips to designate beginners or returning members.

Sobriety tokens aren’t limited to tokens though, as some 12-step programs instead use key tags as an easy reminder of how far a member has come.


Physical Reminder

The main reason sobriety tokens exist is to help members of 12-step programs stay motivated and focused on their goals. Having a physical reminder is essential for when you begin to stray from your path or question the importance of sobriety.

Imagine, you’ve had a very rough day at work and you walk into a bar. You order a drink and reach into your pocket to grab your wallet, and out falls your three-month token. 

It’s a reminder to yourself of how far you’ve come, as well as a thing of pride showing everyone else the lengths you’ll go to improve your life. 

Trade Your Alcohol in for Tokens and Chips

Giving up alcohol or any addictive substance is a difficult challenge but also a necessary endeavor to live a long, healthy life. Think of sobriety tokens and chips are rewards for your monthly and yearly victories!

And if you’re struggling with anything else or need other self-improvement tips, check out our other articles.