7 Amazing Benefits of Good Oral Hygiene

Good Oral Hygiene

Nowadays, with the cost of dental care on the rise, it seems more important than ever to make sure that you have healthy teeth and gums. The good news: If you have good oral hygiene habits, you will likely not have to worry about costly dental work in your future. 

Whether you’re new to oral hygiene or you want some more information, you should always stay informed about how a clean mouth can benefit you. Read on to find out how your oral health and overall health will improve when you begin taking good care of your teeth. 

1. Less Costly Dental Care

Dental care costs can add up quickly, especially when you need to have a lot of work done in a short period of time. If you have tooth pain or noticeable decay, you may need professional dental care to fix it and prevent infection. 

However, you’ll save a good deal of money by taking steps like brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing regularly, and avoiding sweets. While you may need an occasional cavity filled or an unavoidable procedure, in general, your costs will go down. 

Whether you have a dental insurance plan or you pay out of pocket, it will be beneficial when you have to pay less money for dental care. Fewer oral health problems mean more money that you can spend on other things. 

2. Beautiful Pink Gums

When people see you smile, they notice your teeth, but also your gums. Gums can be a huge indicator of how healthy your mouth is overall, and dentists often use them to gauge what type of treatment you need. 

If you slack on taking care of your teeth, you have a chance of developing gum disease. In severe cases, gum disease may require deep cleaning, which can be both painful and expensive. It usually involves numbing your mouth if you have extra-sensitive gums.

With a consistent oral hygiene routine, you should be able to maintain your gums and prevent disease. When you floss, your gums should not bleed or be in any kind of pain. If they do, you might be at risk for gum disease. 

3. Lower Risk of Future Illness

Oral health and overall health are closely linked. Infections in your teeth can lead to serious issues like heart or brain problems, which is why you should seek treatment immediately when you notice signs of infection. 

Good oral health has even been shown to reduce future problems. A recent study by Harvard revealed that taking care of your mouth may play a role in preventing the onset of Alzheimer’s. 

Many doctors and dentists will attest that the condition of your teeth can actually cause heart disease. The oral bacteria that builds up when you do not take care of your mouth will likely travel to other parts of your body. 

4. Better Fertility 

If you want more children or see kids in your future, then you are in luck: Having a good oral hygiene routine can be a factor in both conceiving a child and maintaining a viable pregnancy

If you want to get pregnant, you should consider the possible range of conditions that can be caused by poor dental health. Decent oral hygiene can possibly prevent going into labor before your baby’s due date. 

In males, sperm has been shown to be lower and slower in those that take less care of their mouths. In general, when more bacteria grow in your mouth, it will potentially affect all other areas, including your sperm production. 

5. No Dentures or Implants

When thinking about older people, one of the first images that come to mind is dentures. However, if you maintain a strong oral hygiene routine, then you can enjoy a full set of teeth well into your retirement years. 

In terms of cost, dentures can run into the thousands. Another option for replacing all of your teeth, implants, might even cost you tens of thousands of dollars. 

Conditions like gum disease and tooth decay can be much more common in older adults. If you are prone to these oral health problems, you should focus on a more vigorous regimen to avoid future issues. 

6. Confidence When You Smile

One aspect of oral health that isn’t often talked about is how it affects your self-esteem and mental health. When you have clean and beautiful teeth, you will automatically feel better about appearance. 

Even if you need to have dental work done, you can do some small and easy things to have a smile you’re proud of. For instance, you can get dental whitening done at the dentist, or even purchase do-it-yourself kits at the store. 

The condition of your teeth can actually affect your brain functioning, according to new research in the field. Inflammation caused by bacteria can lower levels of chemicals such as dopamine, which regulates happiness and pleasure. 

7. Only Visit the Dentist for Cleanings

Everyone knows what a pain it can be to try to schedule an appointment at the dentist. If you have a hectic schedule or not a lot of free time, it can be downright impossible to fit it into your planner. 

An obvious but often overlooked benefit of proper oral hygiene is that if you take care of your teeth, it generally means fewer visits to the dreaded dentist’s chair. The time and money you save will be well worth it. 

You should still mark your calendar for the dentist, though. Most dentists recommend a cleaning and oral exam twice a year. This way, your dentist will be able to spot decay problems before they progress into more serious treatment. 

Good Oral Hygiene Can Be Easy 

When you first formulate your oral hygiene routine, it may seem like a challenge, especially if you’re making major lifestyle changes. By establishing a habit of caring for your teeth, you will already be on the right path to good oral hygiene. 

Want to learn more about how better health can change your life? Check out the health and wellness category for tips and how-tos.