How to Boost Motivation When Your Get-Up-and-Go Has Got Up and Went

motivation gauge

You’ve got places to go and things to do…and no motivation to do any of it. Sound familiar?

You’re not alone. Motivation is what we all want but is so easy to lose when we need it most. Our to-do lists stay unchecked and goals get left in procrastination dust.

But there are hacks we can do to give us that jolt of energy and motivation we need. And the best part is, they’re super easy to do!

Let’s look at several ways you can boost motivation and get things done.

Set Measurable Goals

If you want to make it to the finish line of a marathon, you’ve got to take it one step at a time. The same holds true for any other big goal you may have.

To help boost motivation, break that marathon down into smaller, achievable goals that allow you to see progress along the way.

Smaller goals make for a quicker payoff. That will give you the boost you need to start on the next goal. And when you see progress happening, you’ll see light at the end of that tunnel.

Go Public

Keeping goals to yourself makes it easier to not be accountable when you fall short. What others don’t know, you don’t have to hear about, right?

That type of mind frame sucks the energy out of your motivation.

Give yourself a boost by going public with your goals! Tell your friends and family, post it on social media. Make sure someone you don’t want to let down knows about what you’re working on.

Proving yourself to them may be all the motivation inspiration you need.

Reward Yo Self

Everybody loves a reward. Getting a treat or recognition for a job well done makes the time and energy spent all worthwhile.

So boost your motivation by rewarding yourself with something that gets you moving!

It could be anything—ice cream, a shopping trip, or dinner at your favorite restaurant. Anything at all that gives you something to look forward to at the end of a goal.

And by that same token, if you don’t hit your goal, don’t give yourself the reward. Being penalized can give you as much motivation as getting a treat.

Fuel Your Body Right

Our mind and bodies are like any other machine, it takes fuel to keep it working properly. And if it starts running low on fuel, we’re going to find it harder and harder to stay focused and motivated throughout the day.

Keep healthy snacks around, especially those that our brains love. That includes dark chocolate, fish, and nuts. These foods slow down cognitive decline and give us a needed mental jolt to keep us productive when we need it most.

Besides, any excuse to eat chocolate is a good excuse.

Give Yourself a Fresh Start

New year, new me! That’s the mantra everyone goes with at the first of the year. But you don’t have to wait until the ball drops to give yourself a fresh start, you can do that anytime!

Wake up every morning and tell yourself you’re going to have a fresh start today. It instantly gives you a boost of energy and motivation. It puts hope into the day when it would ordinarily have been a regular ole day.

Giving yourself a fresh start also disconnects you from past failures. And that alone can give you the positive boost of motivation you need.

Meditate Your Mind

When you need to increase motivation, there’s no better way than to meditate your mind. In as little as 10 minutes a day, you can feel more relaxed and be able to better concentrate.

Meditation can help you focus by decreasing stress levels. It can give you more energy throughout the day. Plus, it will make you feel happier and more confident at work.

And when you quiet the mind, you find you can learn more, such as a new language or skill. It’s all about a better mindset for a boost in motivation!

Take a Break

If you’re feeling burnt out, it’s going to be impossible to keep your levels of motivation up. That’s why it’s so important to take regular breaks.

Go take a walk outside, breath in some fresh air. It doesn’t have to be a long break, just make sure you get up and move around. Stepping away from work can help separate your mind from it for a while!

When you come back, you will feel more refreshed and mentally rested, which will have a positive effect on your motivation.

Change Your Scenery

Take a look at your surroundings. Does it inspire much motivation or suck it right out of the environment?

Sometimes a change in scenery is all it takes to boost motivation levels.

Do you need more natural sunlight? How about a quieter (or even noisier) setting? Or do you need to switch from staring at a wall to looking out a window?

It doesn’t matter what the setting is, just as long as it feeds your motivation. So take it outside for a while or head to a coffee shop. It may surprise you what a small change in perspective can do for your motivation.

Create a Daily Routine

Most of us are creatures of habit. That’s why setting up a daily routine of motivation boosting activities will help keep us charged up when we need it most.

The activities will be different for everybody. Maybe taking a jog helps clear your mind. Or reading a few chapters in a good book does the trick.

Whatever it may be, find an activity that improves your outlook on the day and makes it a habit. You’ll find motivation comes more easily when you’re happy and relaxed.

Boost Motivation and Slay Your To-Do List

Don’t let another goal go to the wayside. By using these tips, you can boost motivation and finally get “all the things” done.

Speaking of meditation, want to learn the art of mindfulness? Check out this ultimate guide on how to practice mindfulness today!