How to Keep Your Brain Sharp As a Senior Citizen

Senior Citizen Solving a Maze Puzzle

One of the biggest fears of getting older is losing your ability to remember things, think critically, and be creative.

As you age, you become much more sensitive about what happens with your brain. Every forgotten name, misplaced item, and writer’s block has an emotional effect because you know it has something to do with getting older.

The fact is, you have to work to keep your brain sharp when you’re a senior citizen.

This is your guide on how to keep your brain sharp as a senior citizen. Just because you’re noticing these differences in your brain activity, it doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with you. 

Monitor Your Blood Pressure & Cholesterol

Heightened blood pressure and cholesterol put you at risk for heart disease and stroke, both of which can have a significant impact on your cognitive health. For those of advanced age, this impact could manifest in the form of dementia.

To maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels, you have to avoid too much alcohol and any smoking. Get the proper amount of recommended exercise and eat a healthy diet. You should also speak to your doctor on a regular basis to monitor these levels and you may even have to take medication to keep your blood pressure down.

Get Quality Sleep

If you want to wake up feeling sharp and have it last throughout the day, you have to get good quality sleep. Getting between 7-9 hours of sleep is the recommended amount, but it’s all for naught if you’re tossing and turning all night.

The best thing you can do to get decent sleep is to try to maintain a regular sleep schedule. Go to bed and get up at roughly the same time every day, which should help your body understand when it’s time to rest and when it’s time to be active.

The better you sleep, the less likely you are to develop anxiety, depression, and insomnia, none of which are good for your brain health.

Stimulate Your Brain

You should always try to challenge yourself in order to stay sharp. Try to learn a new language, take up playing piano, and exercise your creativity as much as possible to push your brain. A lot of the drop off in brain function is due to natural causes, but continuous learning is thought to delay this drop-off.

There are numerous brain activity apps that you can get for your smartphone or tablet. They’ll send you daily notifications to play games or work on puzzles, which can help you stimulate brain activity for an hour or two per day.

At the Ashford assisted living and memory care facility in Utah, a special emphasis is placed on brain stimulation, with activities planned for residents that require extra help.

Learning How to Keep Your Brain Sharp Everyday

Learning how to keep your brain sharp is an ongoing process that you have to work on every single day. Combatting the aging process isn’t easy, so follow these steps and work with people that understand your needs.

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