An Informative Guide to Practicing Wicca


Did you know at least 1.5 Americans are practicing Wicca rituals today? More and more young people are stepping away from traditional religions and expressing themselves with rituals, astrology, or tarot cards.

Have you been interested in practicing Wicca but aren’t sure where to begin? When it comes to Wicca, there are a few things you need to learn before you get started.

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to practice Wicca and facts about witchcraft you never knew!

What Is Wicca?

Wicca is now a modern-day pagan religion that includes varying rituals and practices incorporating nature and herbal medicine. Wicca is considered to be a modern take on pre-Christian traditions.

You can practice Wicca on your own or in a group of members known as a coven. There is a lot of diversity in Wicca, but many worship female goddesses and male gods. Wiccan rituals usually center around phases of the moon, solstices, and equinoxes. They also include elements like fire, water, air, and earth during ceremonies.

Becoming a Witch

Halloween may be just around the corner, but it’s not the real reason people choose to become a witch. Practicing witchcraft is a place of solace for many people.

Your first step to becoming a witch is to start studying up! Do your research and find out if being a witch is right for you. Some helpful terms for you to learn right away include:

  • Initiation is when you join a coven after studying the Wiccan practice
  • A coven is a community of initiated witches
  • An altar is a surface for casting spells worship and can include candles or incense
  • Black magic is dark magic like hexes and curses that have harmful intentions

Next, you’ll need to take a look at purchasing some supplies like roots, herbs, candles, oils, or spellbooks. Many people also like to use tarot cards and crystals, but this is about finding what supplies work best for you.

Another fantastic way to start is to go online! At, you can create a free account and get six video lessons, access to the first course, horoscopes, and much more. Starting your journey to becoming a witch online is one of the best ways to begin, and you’re free to learn at your own pace.

Wicca Facts

Did you know the earliest record of a witch is in the bible, from sometime between 931 BC and 721 BC? However, the true witch hysteria began in Europe during the 1400s when people were accused of witchcraft. Many were put to death by hanging or were burned at the stake.

Modern-day witchcraft couldn’t be more different. Wicca came about in the 1940s, created by Gerald Brosseau Gardner, who was an ordained minister in the UK and considered the “father of modern witchcraft.”

In the 1960s and 1970s, Wicca moved from the UK to other parts of the world, and by 1985 the United States government officially recognized Wicca as a religion.

Practicing Wicca

It takes time to learn about practicing Wicca, but now you have a great place to start. So, take to the internet, start researching and take your Wicca practice in the direction that feels right for you.

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