The Cure For Hypertension: 5 Proven Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

As one of the most chronic health conditions, hypertension, or high blood pressure, affects over 100 million Americans.

If you’re one of them, you know what a struggle it can be on some days to keep it in check. The good news is in addition to taking prescription medicine, self-care can help regulate blood pressure.

Here are five ways to lower blood pressure that may just turn out to be your cure for hypertension.

1. Exercise Regularly

Exercise not only gets the blood flowing, but it’s a great way to relieve stress and anxiety which contribute to high blood pressure. You don’t need to do a daily strenuous workout to see the results. Studies show that no matter what a person’s age, gender, and type of exercise performed, that any kind of physical activity lowered blood pressure readings.

Try to do some kind of physical activity a few times a week to reap the benefits. Even taking a walk around the neighborhood or doing yard work can help reduce blood pressure.

2. Reduce Sodium in Your Diet

As a hypertension patient, you’ve no doubt heard countless times by now that you need to reduce salt in your diet. But how does salt affect blood pressure?

Eating too much salt adds excess sodium to your bloodstream. Your kidneys cannot remove water as easily, which causes fluid to build up in your body. This puts a strain on your blood vessels and increases blood pressure.

Cut back on your salt intake to keep your blood pressure in check. Choose low sodium or no salt foods and refrain from sprinkling too much salt onto foods.

3. Get Enough Sleep

Blood pressure dips naturally when we’re sleeping, but sleep-related conditions such as sleep apnea can worsen it. Make sure you seek treatment for any health problems that are interfering with getting a good night’s rest. You need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night so the body can replenish itself.

Turning off mobile devices, eating a light, healthy snack, and adjusting the thermostat to a cooler temperature can all help you sleep better through the night.

4. Add Supplements to Your Diet

If you have high blood pressure, your doctor may prescribe a beta-blocking drug such as Bystolic to keep it at a healthy level. But taking certain supplements may help lower blood pressure.

Potassium, omega-3 fatty acids, coenzyme Q10, and melatonin may all contribute to lower blood pressure. Just be sure not to exceed the recommended daily dosages.

5. Reduce Stress

As stress can send blood pressure soaring, finding ways to reduce or avoid it can help you maintain normal readings. Try meditation, yoga, reading, enjoying a hobby, and getting together with friends to help fend off stress and prevent it from affecting your health.

Discover Your Cure for Hypertension

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet overall can be a cure for hypertension. You’ll still need to see your doctor for regular checkups and to make sure any medication you’re on is effective for your blood pressure levels.

For more advice to help you feel your best, check out our latest Health and Fitness posts.