5 Essential Staying Healthy Tips During COVID-19

Staying Healthy During COVID-19

COVID-19 has made life very different for almost everyone on the planet. You might live in a small town that has very few restrictions, but even then it’s likely that your life has been upended in some way. 

One important feature of the pandemic has been the disruption of normal healthy activities. For one, social factors are needed to maintain a steady mood and keep your sense of self intact. People have also been limited in their access to the gym, exercise classes, and more. 

Most importantly, we’ve all been faced with the reality of a deadly virus whenever we leave the house. All of these things point to the fact that we have to find ways to stay healthy, happy, and sane during this time. 

It’s a tall order, but we’re going to explore some staying healthy tips for you to get through the pandemic feeling alright. 

1. Take Recommended Precautions

We all know that there are certain things we should be avoiding right now. On the other hand, there are things that we should be doing to make sure that we’re safe and we’re not spreading illnesses to the people around us. 

That’s a no brainer, considering it’s been all over the news, social media, and our minds for the last 8 months. That said, it’s no time to start slipping. 

Cases are increasing around the country, and the fact that other countries are sliding back is only because their cases have been pretty well contained. Many areas in the United States are still getting hit harder than they ever have, and it’s up to all of us to keep the virus to a minimum. 

So, the first piece of staying healthy is to stay inside whenever possible, wear a mask when you go out, and be very mindful of the contact you make with surfaces and other people. 

2. Don’t Eat Poorly

Another no brainer. At the same time, though, the fact that we’re limited in just about every serotonin-producing activity of our former lives has made it a whole lot easier to justify a brownie or two. Maybe even ten or twenty. 

Try to avoid getting your fix from junk foods and snacks. Instead, try to put your energy into cooking new and unique foods. Give your palette a little time to adjust and explore the options available to you. 

Most of us surely have enough time right now, so why not put a little extra work into the food you make? A healthier diet will help ward off depression and keep your mood perky as you try to make your way through this chaotic world. 

3. Take a Digital Class

Any way to engage your mind is a good way to keep your spirits up. Find something you’re interested in and see if there’s a virtual class that you could take. 

This is particularly important if you’re a person who works from home or has been laid off due to COVID. We need activities to stimulate our minds in order to stay healthy. When we’re left with nothing to occupy our brains, we get lazy and depressed. 

That depression leads to more and more problems that spiral into an unhealthy lifestyle. 

So, find something to put your time and energy into and learn a new skill in your free time. Who knows, you might have enough time to master that skill and start a new profession when the pandemic is over. 

4. Stay Active

Exercise is a must during this time. Many of us were stripped of access to the gym when the pandemic hit. 

That was a good excuse to slip back on exercising for a while, but months have gone by and it’s time to start reincorporating those old exercises. There are a lot of things you can do to stay fit at home. Most personal trainers and fitness experts have accommodated their courses to be online. 

If you need a little extra help, try seeking out a professional to work with you on your exercise routine. Almost everyone you find will have options for working together online. 

A healthy exercise regimen can keep your immune system thriving, your mood positive, and your pandemic blues at bay. 

Even if you’re just doing a light exercise a few times a week, the confidence boost and the little rush of endorphins will do wonders for your health. 

5. Try Supplements

Supplements are a great way to address the difficulties that pop up in our health. A lot of times, the modern diet isn’t quite enough to meet all of the requirements that our bodies need. 

A healthy mix of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and protein sources should do the trick for you, but there are a lot of things that might still need supplementing. Try to make note of different difficulties you’re having, whether mentally or physically, and see if you can find the root cause. 

Maybe you’re not getting enough iron in your diet, or maybe your sleep has become a little worse. Poor sleep can get in the way of normal functioning and disrupt most of a person’s life. This is especially true since we’re forced to spend a lot more time on the couch at home these days. 

Boosting the quality of your sleep with sleep vitamins can be just the way to get your circadian rhythms back on track. A little research will show you that a number of supplements are known to improve mental clarity, focus, mood, and a number of other pieces of your health. 

Need More Staying Healthy Tips?

Hopefully, our staying healthy tips have given you a good reminder of how you can stay in tip-top shape throughout the pandemic. It can be tough, but we’re all in it together. There’s a lot that goes into health, though, and we’re here to help you figure it out. 

Explore our site for more tips and tricks to improve your health and live your life to the fullest.