8 Toothache Pain Relief Remedies That Can Help You Take Your Life Back

woman with toothache

Is your tooth aching so bad that your head and mouth are in pain too?

When you’re experiencing a toothache, the obvious solution is to book an appointment with the dentist. 

But, sometimes you can’t get to the dentist right away. Luckily, there are ways you can decrease the pain in the meantime. 

What can you do to reduce the awful pain of a toothache?

Read on to learn 8 toothache pain relief remedies that can help you take your life back. 

1. Rinse With Salt Water 

For many people, one of the best ways to relieve a toothache is to rinse their mouth with salt water. 

This is because salt water is a natural disinfectant. And, by swishing it around in your mouth, it can help remove food particles and other debris from your teeth. And, it can even help treat oral wounds and reduce inflammation. 

To use this remedy, combine half a teaspoon of salt with a cup of warm water. Use it in the same way you’d use a mouthwash, swishing it around and then spitting it out. 

2. Cold Compress 

If you’re experiencing any swelling, then it’s a good idea to place an ice pack to your cheek. 

Applying something cold causes blood vessels to constrict, therefore relieving some of the pain. Plus, coldness helps to reduce swelling and inflammation. 

However, you don’t want to put an ice directly onto your face. Instead, take a bag of ice and wrap it in a towel, then place it against your cheek for about 20 minutes. You can do this throughout the day, every few hours or so. 

3. Garlic 

Garlic isn’t just for warding off vampires, it can also help with toothaches. 

While garlic may seem like a strange solution for a toothache, Eastern societies have actually used it for thousands of years to help alleviate all sorts of aches and pains. 

When you crush a garlic clover, it releases an oily liquid called allicin. Allicin is a natural disease fighter, and it can kill the harmful bacteria in your mouth that is caused by dental plaque. 

To use garlic is a pain reliever, crush one clove until it starts to form a paste. Then, take the paste and apply it to the affected area. If you wish, you can also add a bit of salt to the garlic as well. 

4. Acupressure 

While acupressure is likely something you can’t do in the comfort of your own home, it’s still a solution worth considering. 

Some research suggests that acupressure releases certain endorphins that can help relieve a toothache. During acupressure, the acupuncturist will place needles on certain parts of the body that are believed to be associated with toothaches and oral discomfort. 

Plus, acupressure sessions are shown to reduce stress and anxiety. So if anything else, going to an acupuncturist can help you relax and momentarily forget about your aches and pains. 

5. OTC Pain Relievers 

Of course, we can’t leave out the most common pain relief remedy- over the counter pain relievers. 

If your child has a toothache, dentists suggest they use acetaminophen (Tylenol) to treat their pain. For adults, you pretty much have your pick. Aspirin and ibuprofen are obviously the most popular choices, but be careful about how much you take. 

Certain studies show that these OTC pain relievers can actually increase your risk of a heart attack or stroke. 

Also, there’s an old wife’s tale out there that says crushing up aspirin and applying it directly to the source of pain helps relieve the pain faster. This is not true! Swallow your pills with a glass of water as you normally would. 

6. Peppermint Tea Bags

Mint is another remedy that Eastern cultures have used for thousands of years to help alleviate pain. 

Boil a cup of tea as you normally would, and steep the bag of peppermint tea for a few minutes. When you apply the tea bag to your face, it should still be warm. 

However, some like to go the opposite approach and apply it like a cool compress. If you choose to go this route, place the tea bag in the freezer for a few minutes before applying it to your face. 

7. Clove 

Clove has been a tried and true method for treating toothaches for thousands of years. 

Clove contains a certain type of oil, called eugenol, that helps reduce inflammation, numb pain, and work as a natural antiseptic. 

To use this method, take a cotton ball and dab a small amount of clove oil onto it. Then, apply it to the affected area. Some people find clove oil to be quite strong, so it can also be a good idea to mix it with a carrier oil before applying it. Examples of carrier oils include olive oil, jojoba oil, and avocado oil. 

You can also use clove oil as a mouthwash. Combine a few drops of clove oil with a glass of water, then swish it around for several minutes. 

8. Thyme 

Thyme contains powerful antioxidant and antibacterial properties that can help alleviate toothache pain. 

To use this method, mix a few drops of thyme essential oil with a few drops of water. Then, soak the mixture with a cotton ball, and apply the cotton ball directly to the pain. Do this several times a day. 

Just like clover, you can also make a mouthwash using thyme. 

If you are pregnant or nursing, you’ll want to get in touch with a dental practice, like Forest Park Dental, to make sure these herbal remedies are safe to use. 

Toothache Pain Relief: Which Method Will You Use? 

As you can see, you are only a couple of small steps away from experiencing toothache pain relief. 

Which of these methods do you plan on using? Or, have you found one method to be more effective than another? Let us know in the comments below!

And, be sure to check out our health and wellness section for more tips on getting your whole body and mind feeling its best.